
Career fair to be hosted for northern scholars

Home Education Career fair to be hosted for northern scholars

Selma Shiwaya

WINDHOEK – A thousand scholars from the Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Omusati regions were expected to have registered for the Twahangana Career Fair, for which registration closed on Monday
The career fair, to be hosted by Twahangana HR Consulting cc in collaboration with NKN Studio Graphics, will take place on July 19 at the Oshakati sport stadium.

Fudheni Ipangelwa, managing consultant at Twahangana, says the career fair aims to provide information to scholars in Grade 9-12 in a funny and interactive manner. “We would like to help breach the information gap by hosting an exhibited, detailed and informative career fair for these scholars,” she explains.

Ipangelwa adds that the main reason is to reach out to thousands of rural children across Namibia. “I see career expos happening in the urban areas across Namibia and often schools beyond the town areas are not invited or given information to make the decision to attend. They are therefore, under-exposed to careers and opportunities that might be available to them upon completing school and potential studies,” says she. And even when there is information available, it’s not always easily available and understood

The career fair intends to be interactive with career games, career quizzes, question and answer sessions, information sharing under each discipline by graduates and professionals and various study institutions, including the manufacturing industry. There will be stalls, exhibition of relatable items and professionals or graduates to explain a specific career to the scholars to get a ‘real life feel’ and information to consider. There will also be a handover of sanitary pads to young girls from the four regions.

The career fair is free of charge to the registered schools and their scholars and companies that are interested in displaying a stand. It will start in the morning at 08h00.