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Swapo launches elections arsenal

Swapo launches elections arsenal

The Swapo Party yesterday launched its key election campaign tools ahead of the November showdown, which is expected to separate pretenders from contenders. Chiefly, the ruling party launched its website, an online platform for political mobilisation and campaigning, through which messages and information will be relayed. Addressing party supporters and sympathisers, Swapo presidential candidate Netumbo...

ACC, CPBN enter RedForce saga

ACC, CPBN enter RedForce saga

WALVIS BAY – The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) have been roped in to scrutinise the procurement process and the contract between RedForce and the Walvis Bay municipality. A detailed report was also sent to the ministry of urban development on the contract which was allegedly awarded dubiously.  The...

Mbumba wants local participation in oil, gas 

Mbumba wants local participation in oil, gas 

President Nangolo Mbumba says Namibians should step up their game and acquire the essential skills to contribute to the development of the oil and gas sector.  He believes that in the absence of local participation, the population will struggle to get a fair share of resources. “You are holding the value and wealth of the...

N$250m earmarked for northern water project

N$250m earmarked for northern water project

OSHANDI – Water minister Calle Schlettwein said the Ohangwena II Aquifer can supply significant amounts of water to areas in the northern part of Namibia. He made the remarks during the groundbreaking for the Ohangwena II Wellfield Water Supply Schemes here on Saturday, saying government through NamWater thus initiated the Ohangwena II Wellfield Project. The...

NNN: Geopolitical tensions impact genocide negotiations

NNN: Geopolitical tensions impact genocide negotiations

Isai Sipunga Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah highlighted geopolitical tensions such as the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Palestine as obstacles to the ongoing genocide negotiations between Namibia and Germany.  During her opening statement at the 2024 Chiefs’ Forum last week, Nandi-Ndaitwah emphasised how these global conflicts are not conducive to the negotiations. ...

Opuwo Ruralneeds 57 boreholes

Opuwo Ruralneeds 57 boreholes

Lahja Nashuuta OPUWO – Served by a single borehole, over 2 000 residents of the community are compelled to fight for their turn at the borehole each morning.  The area sits on underground aquifers, but access to potable water for the residents of Kaoko-Otavi in the Opuwo Rural constituency remains a distant dream. During school...

Water crisis hits Onakankuzi… residents demand connection to pipeline

Water crisis hits Onakankuzi… residents demand connection to pipeline

 ONAKANKUZI – Residents of Onakankuzi village in Omuthiya constituency of Oshikoto region, have expressed concern over water shortages in their village. A total of 97 residents from 94 households attended a village meeting on Thursday where they expressed concern over the challenges they face in securing water, to the various directorates of the Oshikoto regional...

Massive achievements in genocide talks – NNN

Massive achievements in genocide talks – NNN

Linea Dishena Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says it is important for Namibians to appreciate the progress that has been made in the 1904-1908 genocide negotiations, cautioning that relying on external organisations may not benefit Namibia in the current highly polarised international political order. Opening the Chiefs Forum for more than 100 chiefs and their senior...