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Swapo rejects presidential debates … deliver campaign promise, loyalists demand

Swapo rejects presidential debates … deliver campaign promise, loyalists demand

Aletta Shikololo Otniel Hembapu The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has created a platform where party presidential candidate Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah will engage with young people, instead of participating in “foreign” presidential debates with her opponents. The platform, dubbed ‘Youth in Conversation with Netumbo’, is slated to start in Rundu this month, and will be held...

Uranium project in Catch-22

Uranium project in Catch-22

Namibian authorities find themselves between a rock and hard place.  While they face a data gap dilemma to decide whether to proceed with uranium mining in the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System (STAS), drilling to obtain the requisite data has been put on ice.  It is a catch-22 situation, if information contained in a recent report,...

ADM joins crowded electoral brawl

ADM joins crowded electoral brawl

Rudolf Gaiseb Perennial political survivor Vincent Kanyetu yesterday launched the newest political kid on the block: the Action Democratic Movement (ADM). Kanyetu is ADM’s interim president. He needs no introduction to the local political theatre. He previously served as secretary general (SG) for the DTA, the precursor of the Popular Democratic Movement. He went on...

Nida employees reject payment

Nida employees reject payment

Over 600 employees of the Namibia Industrial Development Agency (Nida) rejected a 5.4% once-off payment proposal by their management. This follows negotiations held on Wednesday between the Nida management and Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union representatives after regional and headquarters’ staff downed tools on Wednesday. Shop-steward Marvin Tjikongo said wage and employment conditions demands...

Wildlife not spared by drought – Ministry … game meat for drought-hit communities

Wildlife not spared by drought – Ministry … game meat for drought-hit communities

Paulina Ndalikokule The ongoing drought that has its grip on most parts of Namibia has not spared wildlife either, the environment ministry says.  The drought is also severely impacting conservation efforts, but has not yet led to increased mortalities, reduction of wildlife numbers or any endangered species, environment ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda stated.  While responding...

Oshana gets new education director

Oshana gets new education director

ONGWEDIVA – Pauline Shapumba has been appointed as the new director of education for the Oshana region, effective 1 July 2024. She brings a wealth of experience and qualifications, including an honours degree in education, a master’s degree in education and a master’s degree in business administration with a focus on public sector management. She...

 Fresh start needed in new SA Govt 

 Fresh start needed in new SA Govt 

Emmanuel Koro JOHANNESBURG – Nearly 60% of South African voters registered their disapproval of the ANC’s stewardship of the government in the 29 May election by voting for other political parties. Just as significantly, more than 40% of the entire South African electorate showed their disapproval of the ANC-led socio-economic conditions in the country by...

Kunene running without budget

Kunene running without budget

Lahja Nashuuta Four local authorities in Kunene are operating without a budget from the urban and rural development ministry for the current financial year. In essence, the Kunene regional council’s budget for the current financial year is yet to be released, according to officials. The affected local authorities are Opuwo, Outjo, Kamanjab and Khorixas, while...

Swaitex: Nam, Bots solidify trade ties

Swaitex: Nam, Bots solidify trade ties

SWAKOPMUND – Botswana president Mokgweetsi Masisi has applauded Namibia and Botswana for their existing trade relations. However, the two nations have yet to fully tap into bilateral economic prospects. Masisi, who was the guest of honour at the Swakopmund International Trade Expo (Swaitex) yesterday, said he is eager to trade more with Namibia.  He said...

Same-sex abnormal – Kawana… new bill to invalidate gay marriages

Same-sex abnormal – Kawana… new bill to invalidate gay marriages

Home affairs minister Albert Kawana has tabled the new Marriage Bill, which provides for the solemnisation of marriages in Namibia, the validation and recognition of certain marriages, as well as incidental matters. The draft law, which includes definitions of marriage, foreign marriage, spouse and opposite sexes, clarifies that same-sex marriages are not valid in Namibia,...