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Agribank disburses loans worth N$173 million

Agribank disburses loans worth N$173 million

For the financial year ending February 2022, Agribank advanced loans worth N$173 million into the agriculture sector. Out of the total amount advanced, N$10.8 million was disbursed to qualifying clients, specifically under the women and youth loan scheme of Agribank. 

Policy environment to determine oil discovery impact

Policy environment to determine oil discovery impact

Recently, a joint venture consisting of Shell announced the discovery of oil offshore. Soon after that, another joint venture consisting of TotalEnergies made a similar announcement, with Qatar Energy and the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) partners in both discoveries.

Opinion –  32 years of independence without freedom

Opinion – 32 years of independence without freedom

Namibia will be commemorating 32 years of independence from colonial masters and apartheid rule; a dark and morally repugnant part of our history which witnessed and documented scores of Black and Coloured Namibians stripped off their dignity and bereft of substantive resources to establish meaningful and secure futures for themselves.