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Uupyakadhi womeya mOkalongo

Uupyakadhi womeya mOkalongo

Aakalimo yomoshikandjohogolo shaKalongo moshitopolwa shaMusati ohaya lala taya teke omeya ngoka haga ndondo ashike ethimbo lyuusiku. Kansela gwoshikandjohogololo shaKalongo Laurentius Iipinge ngoka a koleke oluhepo lwomeya moshikandjohogololo she, ota ti aakalimo otaya mono iihuna.

Omivalu  dovanhu tava kwatwa kombuto yoCovid-19  wa shuna pe

Omivalu dovanhu tava kwatwa kombuto yoCovid-19  wa shuna pe

Minista youhaku nonghalonawa Dr Kalumbi Shangula okwa ti omivalu dovanhu tava kwatwa kombuto yoCovid-19 owa shuna pedu konima yomafiku anhe a pita moshivike eshi.Shangula okwa ti ouministeli wouhaku owa didilika yoo vali  nomwaalu wovanhu tava fi kombuto yoCovid-19 wa shuna pedu oshivike eshi okufaafanifa noivike ya pita.

Kunene crop production critical

Kunene crop production critical

Agriculture remains the mainstay for many Namibians and the lack of access to quality seeds, equipment and transport have hugely impacted the livelihoods of those in the drought-stricken Kunene region.

Khomas plans ahead of disasters 

Khomas plans ahead of disasters 

Khomas governor Laura Mcleod-Katjirua has urged constituency councillors in the region to revive their respective disaster risk management committees without any delay. She said the region has recently appointed the regional disaster risk management committee to ensure emergency preparedness.

Swakop couple cause of death not determined

Swakop couple cause of death not determined

Police still have to determine whether a Swakopmund couple found dead in their home in Vogelstrand indeed killed themselves. Evidence have been collected from the crime scene to assist the authorities in determining the exact cause of death of the elderly couple, identified by friends and relatives on social media as Dean Olley (73) and Luella Olley (63).