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Anuwa a tula uundingosho menkolo lyomukulupe

WINDHOEK- Aakalimo yomomukunda Onelombo-C moshikandjohogololo shaEtayi moshipotolwa shaMusati oya hokolola kutya oya kumwa komatokolo gelelo lyopamuthigululwakalo sho lya tetagula odhalate yenkolo lyomukulupe Rachel Haipinge omunamimvo 95, noku tula mo uundingosho.


Hanse-Himarwa okwa ti ina thiminikwa a umbile mo oshifanduke

WINDHOEK- Ngoka a li Ominista yElongo , Uunkulungu nOmithigululwakalo Katrina Hanse Himarwa ngoka a ikutha miilonga mEtiyali lyoshiwike shika konima sho a monika ondjo moshipotha shokulunga iitapula okwa ti kutya ye ina thiminikwa  nando okomuntu opo a kale a thiga po ombelewa ihe okwe shi ninga okuza komutima gwe.


Be supportive and empathic… not too quick to break women down- Swartbooi

WINDHOEK- “We need to go through a lot of mental, emotional and physical preparation to be able to shine on television. I personally would not be able to cope throughout my journey without the support of my mentor and those close to me. Therefore, I urge the Namibian nation to be more supportive and empathetic and not be too quick to break young women down”.


‘Yellow Submarine’ to air on One Africa TV

WINDHOEK - ‘Yellow Submarine’ will be televised on One Africa TV. The show will feature compelling interviews with Namibia’s most prominent entertainment personalities. The show, which premieres on Sunday, is centred on arts but branches out into other areas of life such as medicine and issues affecting artists.