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Bow and arrow suspect gets bail

WINDHOEK - A man accused of trying to kill another by shooting him with an arrow through his pelvis and injuring his intestines in December last year was granted bail in the amount of N$5 000 after a lengthy bail application hearing.


WHO calls for special attention on diabetes and cancer

WINDHOEK - The World Health Organisation (WHO) Country Representative Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses says the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer and hypertension requires special attention.   
Almost 50 percent of Namibians are hypertensive which is a major risk to stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, emphasised Sagoe-Moses.  


NCIS tries to ‘gag’ media through appeal

WINDHOEK - The Namibia Central Intelligence Service (NCIS) under the guise of an appeal against their failure to stop The Patriot newspaper from publishing details about two farms they are utilizing and a residence they own in Windhoek West are asking the Supreme Court to determine whether the media has the legal right to publish information that is prohibited.


Nudo dismisses claims of a tribal party

WINDHOEK - The recent National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) 3rd Extraordinary Congress that elected Utjiua Muinjangue as new president has generated a hot debate with socialists shouting for the immediate de-registration of the party, arguing it represents a symbol of tribal politics.


SPCA warns on rise in dog theft

SWAKOPMUND - An increase in stolen puppies, plus that of certain breeds of dog has given rise to new fears that underground dog fighting rings and dog thief syndicates have sprung up, with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) warning pet owners across the country to be vigilant with their animals. 


Shifeta warns illegal timber traders

OMATJETE - Minister of Environment and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta has blasted agriculture, water and forestry officials for issuing permits to harvest timber in the northeast without obtaining environmental clearance certificates.