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Women contributions in police architectures

Women contributions in police architectures

In the shadowy corridors of global crime-fighting, where swift decisions and unwavering resolve dictate the safety of nations, the often-overlooked presence of women in policing emerges not merely as a symbol of inclusion but as a driving force behind a new era of intelligence, empathy and operational excellence.  This article explores the essential role of...

A take on Mbumba’s Heroes’ Day address 

A take on Mbumba’s Heroes’ Day address 

President Nangolo Mbumba’s keynote address at the 34th Heroes’ Day commemoration in Omuthiya was both powerful and evocative, paying tribute to the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for Namibia’s independence.  His speech was not only a reminder of the past struggles but also a call to action for the future, underlining the...

Explained: Why Namibia is culling over 700 animals

Explained: Why Namibia is culling over 700 animals

The government has rejected what it terms sensationalised and negative framing surrounding its decision to cull over 700 wild animals, particularly by international media outlets CNN and BBC. The government’s decision through the Environment and Tourism Ministry has been characterised by  certain quarters as wanton disregard for conservation. The government, however, is adamant that its...

Advancement of girl, boy child must coexist 

Advancement of girl, boy child must coexist 

As a nation, we have witnessed significant strides in promoting the rights and well-being of the girl child. These efforts have been essential in addressing the historical injustices that have long marginalised our daughters, and we must continue to champion these causes with unwavering commitment.  However, in our rightful focus on empowering the girl child,...

Africa is plundered 

Africa is plundered 

Africa is ultimately impoverished because of the destruction done to its economy and society by both foreign capital and local elites, who frequently receive support from other countries.  To foster an environment that encourages people to start their own businesses, the public and private sectors must collaborate. Africa creates jobs, and attracts both domestic and...

Unpacking polygamous enigma

Unpacking polygamous enigma

I want to respond to previous articles in the newspapers with reference to The Namibian of 16 August 2024 with the heading ‘Traditional authorities want polygamy legalised in Namibia.’ Also, the second one in New Era of 20 August 2024 that legal practitioners, political analysts and traditional authorities strongly advocated for the legalisation of polygamy....

Geopolitical unrest threatens Namibia’s growth

Geopolitical unrest threatens Namibia’s growth

Namibia relies heavily on imports, and rising geopolitical upheaval may limit the country’s economic growth.  Within this framework, the growing geopolitical environment, which includes the war between Russia and Ukraine, unrest in the Middle East, and a series of sanctions aimed at preventing Russia’s military-industrial complex from obtaining critical and essential goods such as sophisticated...

Youth to the power of 900 000 

Youth to the power of 900 000 

Of the 1.4 million registered voters in Namibia, 901 316 were born after 1982, making them younger than 42 and considered to be part of the youth. This was announced by the Electoral Commission of Namibia at a press conference yesterday where it also handed over voters’ registers to all registered political parties taking part...

Omusati addressing water scarcity

Omusati addressing water scarcity

OUTAPI – Omusati governor Erginus Endjala stated that the region faces challenges in accessing potable water, particularly in rural communities. During his State of the Region Address (Sora) last Wednesday, covering the financial year 2023/24, Endjala said they are working to address the issue. He said government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land...