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Hygiene: Katutura in trouble

When the South African regime in the mid to late fifties decided to move blacks from the then “Old Location” to Katutura, the move sparked discontent and led to the shootings in the area and summary relocation of all the black residents under duress. 


Unemployed youth scramble for 40 rail jobs at Ondangwa

ONDANGWA - Hordes of unemployed youth yesterday flocked to TransNamib’s Nehale lyaMpingana Railway Station to scramble for about 40 labourer jobs available to repair the railway line from Ondangwa to Oshikango on a six month contract. The applicants, who had gathered to submit their application forms through the fence, had to endure rain showers but soldiered on.


Rapist lures child with chocolate

WINDHOEK - A four-year-old girl from Greenwell Matongo in Katutura was allegedly lured with chocolate by unknown man while playing with her peers at a house and sexually assaulted in a riverbed a distance away.