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Going fast or going far?

A popular African proverb says: “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” The proverb could describe the dynamics South Africa will encounter on the United Nations Security Council in the next two years.


General Namoloh may be right in Mbulunganga tribute

The memorial service and State funeral of former Plan commander Matias ‘Mbulunganga’ Ndakolo on 7 December unearthed the deep-seated wounds of Namibia’s veterans of the liberation struggle, who engaged the enemy directly in battle at the frontlines during Namibia’s war of liberation from apartheid colonisation.


Giving accountability a true meaning

President Hage Geingob has declared 2019 as a year of accountability – restoring the hope of many a citizen.
Our front page story yesterday, titled “ACC investigating ministers on Geingob’s request”, perhaps best explains the President’s intentions with his bold declaration for the year ahead.