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Human-wildlife conflict payments increase

Human-wildlife conflict payments increase

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) has increased payments for the human-wildlife conflict self-reliance scheme, effective 1 September this year. The announcement was made by MEFT minister Pohamba Shifeta at a press conference on Monday. Compensation for funeral expenses will, however, remain at N$100 000, while permanent disability payments will increase from N$50...

Drought haunts Erongo

Drought haunts Erongo

SWAKOPMUND – Despite the government’s mitigating efforts, the Erongo region continues to face an urgent need for sustainable solutions to adapt and manage persistent droughts. Erongo governor Neville Andre, while addressing residents, regional and local authority councillors during his annual State of the Region Address, said the region has been severely impacted by drought, with...

Kandjii-Murangi: TVET central to robust economy 

Kandjii-Murangi: TVET central to robust economy 

EENHANA – The minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, Itah Kandjii-Murangi says technical and vocational education and training (TVET) holds the tools for the future of the youth.  “Our focus should now be on outcomes, effectiveness and enhanced access in generating more value from the resources available for TVET,” she said.  Kandjii-Murangi made these remarks during...

Know your civil servant – Ochurub, a public servant of note

Know your civil servant – Ochurub, a public servant of note

Lahja Nashuuta Some civil servants would stop at nothing when given the opportunity to blow their horn, and they would sing like canaries at the drop of a hat. But there are those like Simson Ochurub who take pride in their work, and prefer to wax lyrical about their respective projects and collective efforts as...

Lex Scripta – Jurisdiction of the electoral court 

Lex Scripta – Jurisdiction of the electoral court 

Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters v Electoral Commission of Namibia (EC 2/2024) [2024] NAEC 2 (8 August 2024) ‘Introduction [1] Where the jurisdiction of a court or tribunal in a particular matter is challenged, such court or tribunal, must, before wandering around the issues raised by the parties, assure itself and the parties that it retains...

Bigwigs fingered in Ondonga land storm

Bigwigs fingered in Ondonga land storm

Auleria Wakudumo Communal herders under the Ondonga Traditional Authority claim that well-connected politicians and businesspeople with close ties to Ondonga King Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo are at the centre of the land storm. Names of prominent Namibians have surfaced in the ongoing land disputes in the Okashana Kuukongo waNehale, an area under the auspices of the...

Starlink knocks on Namibia’s door …as minister awaits local reaction

Starlink knocks on Namibia’s door …as minister awaits local reaction

Auleria Wakadumo Satellite broadband service  Starlink – owned by South African-born tech billionaire Elon Musk- has applied for a licence to offer internet services in Namibia.  Information minister Emma Theofelus, in a missive seen by New Era, gave 14 days to existing licence holders to give their comments with regards to the application for ownership...

NEFF attempts another deregistration fight

NEFF attempts another deregistration fight

The Namibian Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) turned to the Windhoek High Court to fight against their deregistration as a political party by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN).  This is after their first attempt was shot down by the Electoral Court of Namibia, which declined to hear the matter because of a lack of jurisdiction. ...

Resettled farmers flourish

Resettled farmers flourish

Lahja Nashuuta  OUTJO – Ndapandula Nelumbu is one of the beneficiaries of the government land resettlement programme.  While sharing a family house with many other siblings in Oshakati, owning a piece of land was not something she ever dreamt of. Today, the 54-year-old is among hundreds of farmers residing at the Queen Sofia farm, owning...