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NOA preaches organic farming

NOA preaches organic farming

The Namibian Organic Association hosted a farm tour at Krumhuk Farm in the Khomas region on 23 March to illustrate and promote sustainable organic agriculture in Namibia and raise concern against genetically modified food production. 

Madisia   judgment in May

Madisia  judgment in May

Windhoek High Court Judge Christi Liebenberg yesterday reserved his judgment in the trial of Azaan Madisia and her brother and co-accused Steven Mulundu on 16 May at 10h00.

ECN needs 1 500 poll vehicles 

ECN needs 1 500 poll vehicles 

The Electoral Commission of Namibia is in need of 1 500 vehicles to successfully conduct the 2024 general registration of voters as well as Presidential and National Assembly Elections, a situation that has left the commission with no option but to approach private vehicle owners to fill the existing gap.

Epukiro battles migrant influx

Epukiro battles migrant influx

Epukiro councillor Packy Pakarae has lamented the continuous influx of what he claims are illegal immigrants, saying they are now becoming kingpins in cattle theft schemes and contributing to the mushrooming of illegal townships. 

Zambezi flood victims need N$12 million

Zambezi flood victims need N$12 million

The Zambezi regional disaster risk management has called on relevant sectors to provide urgent humanitarian aid in the form of tents, food items, mattresses, life jackets, boat engines and fuel, snake repellents, mobile clinics, mosquito nets, as well as disinfectants for toilets and pit latrines.