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Opinion –  Contraceptive education in Namibia

Opinion – Contraceptive education in Namibia

In Namibia, access to contraception remains a critical challenge. Although the country has made significant strides in improving reproductive health services over the years, the use of modern contraceptives remains low, especially among young people.

Saving one heart at a time

Saving one heart at a time

The number of heart diseases among Namibian children and adults has been increasing steadily over the years, and the lack of infrastructure and skilled professionals has delayed the process of tending to these patients.

MPs suggest unemployment grant

MPs suggest unemployment grant

Opposition parties have highlighted high unemployment, debt, costly living and the adaption to green energy amidst the country’s recent oil and gas discoveries as matters which received short shrift from finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi in the 2023/24 Appropriation Bill.