

Home Opinions
Opinion –  Be the parent you wish you had 

Opinion – Be the parent you wish you had 

 Most of us wish our parents had been more understanding. We wish we had parents with whom we could simply share our emotions – parents who would always be available. Here are some suggestions for how to be the parent you wish you had.

Opinion –  Journalism – The end goal

Opinion – Journalism – The end goal

During my years as a mainstream journalist – from a rookie reporter in 2009 to the responsibility of manager of editorial services in 2019 – I have always girded my work ethic on seven basic principles of journalism in being true to my duties as a member of the Fourth Estate. 

Empowering adolescents and young people

Empowering adolescents and young people

ENSURING that adolescents and young people have access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services and information has become a critical concern in today’s world of rapid change, where young people are becoming more independent and informed. 

Africa’s political leadership deficiency

Africa’s political leadership deficiency

A Triple Heritage, Programme 6,’ Ali Mazrui, in 1986, narrates the inferiority complex situation in which Lyndon Johnson and Daniel Arap Moi found themselves after the deaths of the charismatic leaderships of John F Kennedy of the United States of America and Jomo Kenyatta of the Republic of Kenya respectively.