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Outapi readies for youth expo

Outapi readies for youth expo

Outapi is set to host its first SME Youth Expo, an event designed to showcase the talents and entrepreneurial spirit of young Namibians. Scheduled to run from 3 to 6 October this year, it promises to be a significant platform for young people across the country. Supported by Izzy Cranes Namibia, it will offer young...

Miss IUM to tackle feminist advocacy

Miss IUM to tackle feminist advocacy

Paulina Ndalikokule  Toini Aikali, the recently-crowned Miss International University of Management (IUM) for Nkurenkuru campus, said through her role, she intends to empower young women and advocate for women’s rights.  The pageant, designed to celebrate women and strengthen cultural ties among students, highlighted Aikali’s dedication to advocating for all kinds of women, which set her...

Short Story – The Kalahari Taxis 

Short Story – The Kalahari Taxis 

Many years ago, near the wave-like dunes, a mud-rolling buffalo stepped on a pear-shaped spider. The sticky soil buffalo went about chewing the yellow grass while swearing at the hairy-legged spider for toy-toying in its footpath.  “We’re not called the Big Five for nothing,” mooed the cow-like beast. A minute later, a dark-brown ant loafing...

Students to take on Africa Energy Week

Students to take on Africa Energy Week

Namibia’s energy industry has seen tremendous growth, with the discovery of oil on the country’s coastal line and the development of green hydrogen, and with these comes the need for youth participation.  Four students from Delta Secondary School Windhoek will represent Namibia at the Africa Energy Week in Cape Town, South Africa in November.  The...

Opinion – Disenfranchisement in youth demands attention

Opinion – Disenfranchisement in youth demands attention

The Electoral Commission of Namibia’s (ECN) recent announcement that 91% are eligible voters in the country, appeared to have painted half the picture.  Demographic fatigue seems to be jaded and severe among the young people, with their electoral turnout continuing to decline.  According to the Namibia Statistics Agency, 71.1% of population is under the age...

Opinion – Registered, but who do I vote for?

Opinion – Registered, but who do I vote for?

With the national elections fast approaching and 91% of the electorate now registered, many young Namibians face a challenging decision in selecting the presidential candidate to vote for.  Finding the “perfect” presidential candidate has become as elusive as finding “Mr Right” in the Namibian dating scene, leaving first-time and previous voters uncertain. This indecision underscores...



Ruben Kapimbi Donkey years ago, along the edges of the Omatako River, a naked-chest clan used to wolf dragonflies. Throughout the feast, kinfolks puffed the scattered see-through wings.  The grey-haired men schooled the juveniles on how to simmer or roast the dragonflies. The girls plucked the red gums from the dragon trees, and muddled finger-sticking...

Capacitating youth to seize opportunities

Capacitating youth to seize opportunities

As young people seek to be included in decision-making, Rural Rise Empowerment, through its initiative ‘From the Ground Up’, is tackling the barriers inhibiting youth participation in these processes. This includes access to economic and social advancement opportunities. The initiative, which aims to empower rural youth in Namibia, is targeting 200 young people in the...

Preserving cultural heritage through digitalisation 

Preserving cultural heritage through digitalisation 

Iuze Mukube Digitisation and the preservation of cultural heritage through education, are essential to sustain cultural legacy in Namibia, while also harnessing the various opportunities from the sector. These sentiments were highlighted during a two-day Creative Entrepreneurship Academic Conference held in Windhoek recently under the theme ‘The Role of Education in Preserving and Digitising Cultural...

Poem – What is the meaning of life?

Poem – What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? Is it outings, and fine dining? Rainbow dishes with sparkling wine? Or moments of syncing breaths? With a lover, face-to-face? Is it a sunset from the balcony? As two dance with passion, to the sound of a romantic brass? Or is it a family around a fire? With tea...