
Chiefs put club officials on ‘special leave’

Home Sports Chiefs put club officials on ‘special leave’


Having just survived relegation by the skin of their teeth, MTC Premiership rookies Young Chiefs Football Club embarked upon a complete clear-out, with the aim of  restructuring its fragile administration.

In a shock move, the club’s board of directors issued a strongly worded press release informing its supporters that the board resolved to suspend club chairman Elago Amuthenu and team manager Hafeni ‘Mannetjie’ Shikulo with immediate effect.

The pair has been grounded on allegations of undermining – or rather failing to communicate – with the technical staff and for taking unilateral decisions without prior consultation with designated team management.

They are also accused of interfering with the financial affairs of the club, an area which is totally outside the ambit of their responsibility.

It is also claimed that the suspended pair had developed an unpleasant habit of sidestepping – or rather undermining – the presence of duly elected members of management, while having made it their sole beat yo ignore or show very little respect, if any, for club protocols.

In the meantime, the duo has been ordered in no uncertain terms to return without failure any and all property belonging to the club that is currently in their possession. The suspended pair could not be reached for comment at the time of going to print as their mobile phones went unanswered.