
Citizens urged to own country’s development

Home National Citizens urged to own country’s development

MARIENTAL – The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Anna Nghipondoka has called on all citizens to contribute positively towards the moulding of the country.

Speaking at the belated 25th independence celebrations at the Mariental show grounds on Saturday, Nghipondoka called on all citizens to contribute meaningfully to the growth and development of the country.

She called on all Namibians in all the different sectors to punch above their weight in their respective departments in order to develop Namibia, adding that all Namibians should leave their comfort zones and contribute where they can.

“Everyone has a role to play to make Namibia a home,” she said, adding that all Namibians irrespective of race, gender and class should work together towards prosperity and not just those sitting in offices.

Nghipondoka urged the community in attendance to use the independence celebrations to look back, reflect and consolidate the gains of the 25 years and identify gaps that need to be tackled. “Celebrations should be done with eyes looking into the future,” she noted.

She further encouraged people, especially the youth, to refrain from social evils as they are the future of the country, emphasising that the youth have nothing to lose by staying away from drinking and thus should stay away and let the bars close if they have to.

She added that the youth would soon have only themselves to blame as government is providing free primary and secondary education and expanding vocational training centres to accommodate everyone and thus it is up to the youth to do their part.

The former teacher urged parents to encourage their children to go to school, explaining that the government may waste all the resources but if parents do not tell their children to go to school all the efforts will be in vain.

She also warned parents not to send children to buy alcoholic beverages and requested children to refuse whenever they are being sent to buy alcohol, a statement which received a round of applause from the young people at the event, compelling the minister to say “the clapping of hands by the children is a clear indication that you make them do things they don’t want”.

At the same event the Mariental Urban Constituency Office through the councillors fund gave out funds worth N$95 000 to seniors citizens, students, sports teams and different projects.

People at the celebrations were served with lunch and entertained by various cultural groups.