
City of Windhoek hits football lovers below the belt

Home Sports City of Windhoek hits football lovers below the belt

So, we are back to square one again, a quick visit to the trusted book of knowledge, the Oxford Dictionary, reveals that the correct definition of the word municipality is a town, city or district with its own local government governed by a group of officials, nothing more and nothing less.

The managers of the City of Windhoek have become a law unto themselves and run the municipality as if it’s their private business, with very little respect or consideration for the rightful occupants that are fully responsible for their sustenance.

Football followers and clubs have for long been short -changed in terms of basic services and are made to beg for what it is rightfully theirs, or how does one explain the municipality’s tortoise-paced approach towards the maintenance of basic facilities. The floodlights at the revered Sam Nujoma Stadium in Katutura, the Mecca of Namibian football, have been dysfunctional now for ages, forcing clubs and fans in the vicinity – who are already hard up on moolah – to travel across the city to play and watch their home matches.

Not only is this sickening practice a burden to the affected clubs, alas it puts a serious financial toll on the clubs’ coffers, as many football followers are unable to foot the traveling bill across the city.

As city residents, we should not be made to beg for basic services. It’s the municipality’s duty to make damn sure that we are not discomforted by their incompetence or laxity.

Football clubs are suffering major financial losses and unless this issue is remedied, the beautiful game could be destined for stray dogs. After all, football is the most popular game, not only in Namibia, but worldwide.

Can’t make head or tail of transfers

When I heard the news that veteran pocket-sized midfielder Riaan Cloete, has developed itchy feet and has returned to his old club Orlando Pirates, something immediately struck my mind.

Upon closer inspection, yours truly was made to understand in no uncertain terms that the domestic transfer window is still open, irrespective of league activities already in full swing. Eish! Namibian football just never ceases to amaze me.

It should be well understood that teams spend quite a lot of moolah during pre-season training to assess players in order to keep those they deem fit for attainment and let go of those deemed surplus to requirement. More shocking revelations awaited yours truly when I learned that Cloete would not be allowed to feature twice against the same opponents in the first round. As far as my football knowledge serves me, this practice is only applicable to knockout cup competitions, where players are deemed cup-tied, but I’ve never heard of “league tied”.

This is surely a laughable rule and must be done away with, unless we want to become the laughing stock of global football. If Cloete is cleared to turn out for Pirates, why should there be any restrictions as to when and against which club he can play? I’m just asking.

Players should not be allowed to change clubs once the league has started. I rest my case.