Condoms only accessible at clinics, hospitals for the public

Home Front Page News Condoms only accessible at clinics, hospitals for the public

WINDHOEK – Condoms are now only accessible at state health facilities for the public and bar owners. 

The Condom Logistics Officer in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Immanuel Sheefeni, says “there’s a channel we’re following for accountability. In the past even bar owners could pick up condoms at Central Medical Stores  now they have to go clinics and hospitals.” 

He was responding to a question by New Era on the shortage of condoms in the country. Sheefeni explains that last year there were problems with the supply of condoms, resulting in the shortage, but that is no longer the case. “In the past there was a shortage and we cannot deny that. There was a shortage of condoms last year but now they are available. But now the facilities (hospitals, health centres and clinics) must place their orders,” Sheefeni says. 

 “There was a problem in the supply system. We have a constant supply schedule to make sure we don’t run out of condoms,” he explains, adding that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that want to have condoms to supply to the public should contact their nearest health facilities so that they can receive the condoms as Central Medical Stores now only works with health facilities. 

“In case of emergencies they can place their orders with the Directorate of Special Programmes in the Ministry of Health and Social Services,” says Sheefeni. 

This would ensure better accountability on how many condoms have been given to the public from Central Medical Stores, explains Sheefeni. 

The Directorate of Special Programmes is in the system of the Ministry of Health and Social Services and they represent the various stakeholders. “We need to know who we’re giving condoms to. It’s easier to produce receipts and invoices when working with health facilities because they are in our systems as opposed to bar owners. We also want to know how many condoms are distributed for report purposes,” Sheefeni says.