
Crime at an all time low in Tsumeb

Home Crime and Courts Crime at an all time low in Tsumeb

TSUMEB – The copper town of Tsumeb has recorded an all-time low crime rate when compared to previous years, said Chief Inspector Bernhard Nghuulivali.

“There is a reduction in crime in comparison to previous years. I believe the increase in neighbourhood watch groups has had a positive role in crime reduction. The good relationship between police and members of the community, who have formed numerous neighbourhood watch groups, is taking the fight to the criminals,” Nghuulivali said.

He cited teamwork, a more proactive police department and police visibility at troublesome locations as further aids in lowering crime. “Everyone expected a spike in crime because of the Newspaper Cup but there was no turmoil during the event. The biggest noteworthy thing was a case of drinking and driving. Even so, we are careful not to become complacent. Any offence regardless of how small by value, can become large by volume,” he said.

“If we naively presume problems with crime have been solved rather than just being under control for the time being, the crime rate could easily escalate,” added Nghuulivali who is of the opinion that failure to invest sufficiently in crime prevention and crime control by both the police and community could have devastating effects in future.

The various neighbourhood watch groups have been working closely with policing authorities to address opportunistic crime in Tsumeb. Neighbours band together in crime patrols and report any suspicious activity to the police. The neighborhood watch groups attend regular meetings with police to discuss problems faced by the community and crime reduction. Over the years the police have built up a good rapport with many of the community members as well as the neighborhood watch groups.

By John Travolter Matali