Election results’ update

Home Elections Election results’ update

In Ongwediva Constituency Swapo got 6249‎ votes out of the 6867 total votes, while RDP only got 418 votes. The constituency had 33165 registered voters.

Swapo also took majority of the votes casted for Ongwediva Local Authority, scooping up 2264 votes, while RDP only managed to have 116 votes.

In Ondangwa Constituency Swapo got 3918 votes out of the 4267 votes. DTA got 158 votes while RDP got 123 votes. There are 21401 registered voters in the constituency. For the Ondangwa Local Authority Election Swapo got 2582 votes, enough for six seats while DTA got 152 votes enough for one seats. RDP got 123 votes which are not enough for a seat.


Oshakati West

Out of 14292 voters 5028 voted

Swapo 4775

DTA 253


Oshakati East constituency

Out of 17630 registered voters, 5881 people voted.

DTA 241

Swapo 5559

RDP 81


Oshakati Local Authority Election


DTA 330

RDP 111

Swapo 4569


Number of seats

Swapo 6