English Animation Tutors offer animated lessons

Home Youth Corner English Animation Tutors offer animated lessons

Aletta Shikololo

Founded by three innovative youth, English Animation Tutors is a tutoring company that only tutors English related subjects/modules through the use of animations (A method in which pictures are manipulated to appear as moving images). The three tutors take grade 12 English curriculum/syllabus, both high or ordinary level and animate it into visuals, which they said is easier for learners to understand.
“At first, we tutored specific chapters, then play an animated video of those chapters afterwards so they can fully understand it and have a lasting visual image of it. We also have fun activities in class such as acting, to help improve learners’ grammar and also for them to learn the language in an efficient manner,” narrated Risto Kandele, one of the co-founders.
According to Kandele, the drive behind the initiative was to solve the problem of learners failing English and cannot be admitted to a university or other institutions of higher learning and also to improve their grammar.
Based on the research the tutors made, they found that people tend to learn, understand and remember things when they see visuals.
“In Namibia and some African countries, English is a pre-requisite to be admitted in university, college, vocational training centres. Also, once admitted, one needs to pass certain English modules to graduate. When it comes to employment, most requirements are that one should be able to communicate/write in English,” explained Kandele, adding that it is important for learners to be taught and understand English, as an official language. The tutors believe that English is a major challenge to a lot of students at the universities, which delays them from graduating. The English Animation Tutors is open for learners that want to improve or learn English as a second language.