
Fined for stealing from Edgars

Home Crime and Courts Fined for stealing from Edgars

WINDHOEK – Magistrate Jermaine Muchali fined 27-year-old Lydia Shilomoha N$2 000 for stealing from Edgars store.

Shilomoha stole five boxer shorts and one golf shirt from Edgars in Wernhil Park on April 13.

The goods were valued at N$1 159.70. She was arrested the same day and granted bail of N$1 000.

Last week Shilomoha pleaded guilty to the charge of theft informing the court that she has two children and could afford a fine of N$1 000.

“The offence is putting me in a bad situation, I am getting bad words from the family,” she informed the court.

State Prosecutor Verinao Kamahene said that due to the prevalence of theft, it was the desire of the State to deter such offence. The value involved was N$1 159.70, the prosecutor said, adding that the offence was serious.

“The accused should be severely punished to send out a message in society. I suggest a sentence of N$1 300,” Kamahene added.

Magistrate Muchali when delivering sentence said “theft is without a doubt a serious offence and its prevalence is based on the statistics on our court rolls.

“Each working day in this court there is a new case of theft and also not forgetting the old pending theft cases, which is  a sign that the offence shows no abetting.”

It is a fact that the seriousness of each and every case is measured and determined on the facts  and circumstances of the case before court, the magistrate continued.

“What makes this offence serious is the fact that you stole luxury goods, boxers and a shirt – these are things you can live without.

“I am not encouraging you to steal things that you cannot live without because you will be arrested and punished by the courts [as well],” the magistrate added.

The magistrate further said that the court appreciated that the accused pleaded guilty, which can be deemed as a sign of remorse and that she had realised her actions were indeed wrong.

“The court will be merciful by imposing a sentence of a fine instead of direct imprisonment,” Muchali said.

By Tunomukwathi Asino