
Football ‘watchdog’ tastes own medicine … Nafpu pleads ignorance on suspension, frozen funds

Home National Football ‘watchdog’ tastes own medicine … Nafpu pleads ignorance on suspension, frozen funds

WINDHOEK – A very strange unusual episode is unfolding in the corridors of domestic football though the main actor in the comedy pleads ignorance. 

Functioning roles have been reversed, as the quick-fire militant voice of disgruntled footballers – the Namibian Football Players Union (Nafpu) – finds itself on the wrong side of its sharpened stick.
New Era Sport has been reliably alerted that the world’s football umbrella body, representing footballers across the global spectrum, Fipro, has jammed its brakes with regard to releasing any funding towards the noisy Namibian footballers’ representative organ Nafpu with immediate effect.

Nafpu stands accused of having committed serious acts of dishonesty by submitting false or rather doctored information about the union’s expenditure. 
Our investigative crew has gathered that a strong delegation of Fipro members will descend on the capital Windhoek on the 2nd of February 2019.

The delegation is to launch a thorough investigation into the union’s apparently “dodgy” financial records, irregularities and maladministration amongst a series of worrisome potentially damaging accusations.
In view of the above serious allegations, Fipro has resolved to freeze any form of financial funding to Nafpu until investigation into the union’s financial dealings has been completely finalised.

Approached to shed light on the unfolding saga, Nafpu’s firebrand secretary-general Olsen Kahiriri flatly denied that his union has been frozen out. “No, I’m not aware of any suspension whatsoever – the last time Nafpu was suspended was in 2016,” Kahiriri shot back irritatedly.

Pressed whether Fipro is still oiling Nafpu’s machinery, the outspoken SG insisted that the union is still functioning unhindered but was cagey to confirm when was the last time funds were released by Fipro. 
Numerous attempts to hear it from the horse’s mouth proved futile as charismatic Nafpu president Lolo Goraseb’s mobile went unanswered.