Former Unam SRC encourages new students

Home Youth Corner Former Unam SRC encourages new students
Former Unam SRC encourages new students

Vilho Hakandume, a former Students Representative Council member for recreation at the University of Namibia, extended a warm welcome to first-year students, encouraging them to embark on a journey filled with exciting discoveries and personal growth. 

In an interview with Youth Corner, he acknowledged the challenges ahead, emphasising the importance of maintaining a positive mindset.

Addressing common concerns, he highlighted the significance of balancing academic expectations, reconnecting with peers, and adapting to a structured routine. 

For a smoother transition, Hakandume advised new students to familiarise themselves with the campus layout, identify important facilities, and actively participate in online communities related to their courses.

“May this year be filled with exciting discoveries, personal growth and academic success. It will not be easy, but you’ve got this,” he said.

Furthermore, Hakandume said many students may feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. 

Developing a preliminary schedule, students should thus establish a sense of structure and discipline.

He further advised them to allocate specific times for relaxation, while ensuring that it does not compromise their overall preparation efforts.

“Use part of your break to reflect on the past term, identify areas for improvement, and plan strategies for the upcoming semester. Engage in activities you enjoy to recharge, but avoid excessive distractions. Incorporate mindfulness exercises or meditation to manage stress and maintain mental clarity. Stay in touch with friends, family or mentors who can provide emotional support. Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on your strengths and previous successes,” he continued.

The former student leader said it is important to seek information about available academic resources, tutoring services, and study groups. 

“Time management skills are crucial to balance coursework, social activities and personal time effectively.

Start organising materials and reviewing course outlines before the break concludes. Ease back into a routine in the days leading up to the official resumption to minimise abrupt changes. Approach the new term with a positive attitude, focusing on opportunities for growth and learning,” he added.