
Geingob reiterates peace and security for SADC

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Geingob reiterates peace and security for SADC

Loide Jason 

Imelda Munika

President Hage Geingob reiterated the need for increased commitment by the SADC Organ to promote and strengthen peace and security in the region. 

Geingob made these remarks during the 43rd Ordinary SADC Summit of heads of state and government in Luanda, Angola, yesterday. 

“Without peace, there is no development – and without development, there is no peace. 

Whenever conflict occurs, I always say that one does not make peace with friends, but one makes peace with enemies, and diplomacy is always the best avenue to end wars,” he said.

The President continued: “Indeed, there is still much work to be done. We need to continue fighting poverty and inequality. We need to address the challenges of climate change, pandemics, transnational crime and environmental degradation”. 

He assured that Namibia will continue to play its part in regional integration by enabling trade and commerce for the region’s landlocked neighbours through the use of its harbours. 

“In that vein, we will ensure they are sea-linked in order to facilitate economic development in the region. Namibia is committed to the free movement of people in the region – and with the recent introduction of the use of national ID cards for travel between Namibia and Botswana, we are demonstrating our commitment to an integrated SADC region. We are determined to harness our abundant renewable energy potential, particularly in
green hydrogen production, which will contribute to stable domestic and regional energy supply, and the reduction of global carbon emissions,” said Geingob. Meanwhile, the president implored the people of Zimbabwe to approach the election peacefully during their presidential and general elections, slated on 23 August 2023.

“I urge the fraternal people of Zimbabwe to approach the elections peacefully and with unity of purpose while respecting the results of a democratic process,” he said.

The 43rd ordinary summit will place a spotlight on pivotal matters of industrialisation within the region. Additionally, the summit will offer an overview of achievements over the past year under the guidance of SADC Chair, President Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo. – ljason@nepc.com.na