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By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK The common association with the term “crime” would be murder, rape, drugs and gang fights – but for many German TV fans the term “crime” also goes along with one of the most popular German TV Series: Scene of the Crime. The Goethe Centre will screen some parts of this cult series not only to give people a chance for a thrilling and exciting experience, but Scene of the Crime also offers a true reflection of German regions and its peoples. Scene of the Crime started off in 1970 and quickly gained enormous popularity by following two simple rules: Keep it regional and give the viewer the opportunity to identify with detectives, cases and victims. Therefore, a series was born that documented the development of political and social Germany before and after the reunification of the GDR and the FRG. While Scene of the Crime was a Western production, the East Germans came up with Police Call 110. The idea of that programme was not merely entertainment, but to educate and to help prevent crime. May 30 – “Manila” (1998) June 13 – “Three Bottles of Tokay” (1989) June 27 – “Thanner’s New Job” (1991). All screenings will start at 19h00 at the Goethe Centre/NaDS. * The Goethe Centre is also very pleased to welcome to the Goethe Centre two German writers, Barbara Krohn and Bernhard Jaumann, both famous authors of detective stories from Germany. Barbara Krohn will read at the Goethe Centre on Thursday, June 7 at 19h00 and Bernhard Jaumann on Wednesday, June 20, also at 19h00. Both readings will be in German only.