
GIZ supports local women’s football

Home Sports GIZ supports local women’s football


The legacy of former NFA technical director Klaus Stark continues to benefit local football, as recently the German Olympic Federation (DOSB) – together with the local German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – donated football equipment to women’s football.

Handing over the donation last week, advisor in the sector programme for sport development Luise Haunit dedicated the good gesture to Stark. “Klaus left the country in July and was very passionate about women’s football.

He was very dedicated to women’s football in Namibia and one of the first people who advocated for the NFA Girls’ Football Centre, which is now being constructed on NFA grounds, financed by the GIZ,” said Haunit, who officiated on behalf of Stark.

Haunit further explained that the donation of footballs, bags and a tactical board is the first football equipment financed by the German Olympic Federation (DOSB), supported by GIZ for the Girls Centre, which will open its doors in March 2016.

Brave Gladiators’ head coach Jaqueline Shipanga commended the Germans for their continued and unrelenting support for women football development: “We have a lot to be thankful for to the Federation of Germany through their various development agencies. The Girls’ Centre is nearing completion and this donation and many others that we have enjoyed over the years have really helped our football to grow.

“Since Klaus came around, women’s football has grown and can only get better. It is now up to the ladies to effectively make use of these football equipment for the success of our game,” Shipanga said.