
Taking hand hygiene beyond hand washing

Home Front Page News Taking hand hygiene beyond hand washing

No matter what industry, chances are that your company has employees who make a living using their hands. Our hands are the connection we make with everything in our everyday lives. However, they likely are overlooked when it comes to employee health and safety.

Poor hand hygiene can lead to increased of illness, e.g. dermatitis and other infections and this can result in disruption costs and lost productivity through employee absence from work; reduced employee efficiency through illness at work and lower morale; and damage to an organisation’s reputation.

For any organisation, implementing and maintaining appropriate hand hygiene practices is a daily challenge. Employers and facility managers have a legal responsibility to ensure that they provide a safe working environment for their employees. Addressing hand hygiene is an important part of this and leaving occupational skin disorders unaddressed in the workplace can cost an organisation millions of dollars, reduced productivity and workers’ compensation claims.

Best Practices for Healthy Hands

Use pre-work creams – Protective pre-work creams can be used under gloves or without gloves to help prevent skin irritation and maintain healthy skin for easier skin cleansing.

Wash hands properly and often – Apply a small amount of hand cleanser to dry hands. Rub hands vigorously together for at least 20 seconds. Scrub all surfaces, including the backs of hands, wrists, between the fingers and under the fingernails. Rinse well and then dry hands with a clean or disposable towel. Make sure to use a towel to turn off the faucet.

Opt for solvent-free cleansers – Many industrial cleansers contain dangerous ingredients like petroleum distillates. Derivatives of crude oil, these solvents not only irritate hands but are absorbed through the skin and, over time, can lead to harmful levels of toxins in the body. Low-solvent and solvent-free cleansers are a safer option.

Keep cleansers accessible – The location of hand-cleansing products can help increase hand washing compliance. Place them where they are easy to find and see to reinforce the importance of hand washing throughout the day.

Condition hands after washing – After cleansing hands, the skin can lose important oils and moisture. Apply an after-work conditioning cream to balance and replenish the moisture in the skin.

Use gloves where required or necessary – It’s not always practical or safe to use gloves when working. Nonetheless, gloves and other personal protective equipment should be used whenever possible to shield hands from harsh irritants and contaminants.

Report skin conditions immediately – Make sure you and the employees in your care know that if skin problems occur, they should be reported and cared for right away to prevent further damage.

Choosing the right cleanser and dispenser

Once your team learns more about prevention, pick the best-suited hand cleanser and dispensing system. The appropriate products should be available and accessible to workers where and when they are required. Creams should be located in key areas such as changing rooms, work area entrances, washrooms and hand washing stations.

Frequent hand washing is a crucial step to prevent spreading germs from one person to another throughout the workplace and ultimately to creating a healthy and productive work environment.

  • Homateni Shatsilika is an Environmental Health Practitioner, Chartered Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner and Occupational Hygienist Technologist Registered with SAIOH (South African Institute of Occupational Hygienists).