Her journey to emancipation

Home Time Out Her journey to emancipation


Her writing speaks to the soul with great honesty and no pretence. She doesn’t try to sound better than the status quo, but reflects on her life as though she lived on an island.

Paulina Moses, in her incredible book titled: Journey to Emancipation…slave insurrection, talks about being an African and asks, “How can you say no to xenophobia and demonstrate against it when you are xenophobic to yourself daily?” This she asks in reference to African women’s love for the weave, as well as the issue of Africans disliking one another, “Look at yourself in the mirror and love your thick lips, your coarse hair and dark skin, only then will you love the next person you see, who is a reflection of yourself. The African is you, you cannot hate your reflection if you love yourself,” she writes.

The author’s narration is a depiction of her life from childhood and how she is currently unlearning all the untruths she has been taught growing up. These include the right to land, “how can I claim to live in a united society when I cannot demand to get back what belongs to me because I fear a backlash from those who stole it from me?”

Throughout the book one can sense her genuine love for Africa and its people with great emphasis on the importance of our women in society. Moses is concerned that the womenfolks are too busy trying to look good for the social media, thus neglecting their homes, “Who will be the servant/mother to society if we as women are all being ‘celebrities?,”  “ she asks.

Journey to Emancipation is indeed a great book to read and if you manage to get yourself a copy from the limited available books, you are in for a mind blowing experience that will influence your thinking of Africa in a positive light.

One on one interview
Why did you write this book?
I cannot really say. I suppose the pen spoke to me and said put my ink down on paper. I wrote this book mainly for myself, as I was busy reflecting on my life, I felt it was necessary to write it down for my future self.
What do you want the reader to grasp from reading this book?
To develop deep love for Africa and its people. To develop national pride. But most importantly for the reader to love themselves as Africans.

Are you against women wearing Brazillian hair?
I do not view a woman who wears a weave different from one who wears their natural. I do, however, make reference to the fact that we have been brainwashed to believe that our natural hair is ugly.
Why do you have natural hair?
After varsity I was unemployed and could not afford a relaxer. My hair was losing the straight effect from relaxer. I washed my hair, rolled them in and I liked how they looked. This was for myself not as part of a natural hair movement.

What is your hope for the Namibian society?
To invest more in family. To put focus on raising strong children because they say, “it is easier to raise strong children than it is to fix broken men.” We should invest in the process of growing up because trying to be forever young is damaging our society.

Do you regard yourself as an activist?
Everyone is an activist. Some consciously while others unconsciously. Some advocate for getting drunk every weekend, others for spending all their money on the latest fashion item, others for love of family, etc. In a nutshell, we are all activists. Your life is your stage. How you live your life is what you advocate for.

Paulina Moses is a qualified journalist with almost eight years experience in the media industry, she has worked for both national and regional newspapers, including the Informante under the leadership of Max Hamata. She currently works for the Government in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. She is also the owner of Nature is Home Namibia, which is an establishment to encourage a nature loving society.