
Hostile Situation Is Very Conducive for Livestock Thieves

Home Archived Hostile Situation Is Very Conducive for Livestock Thieves

By Kuvee Kangueehi Windhoek The unstable situation in Aminuis appears to be far from over and a series of livestock thefts and damage to property have been rife since the weekend. Some Aminuis residents who were seen to be part of the ceremony, which was called off, have suffered heavy losses of livestock and property. Forty-three sheep belonging to Rehabriam Katjijova, who was the spokesperson of the Maharero Traditional Authority, went missing from his village on Monday night, while former NUDO parliamentarian, Mburumba Kerina, who has since joined the DTA, lost six goats and his fence was cut down. The unwanted traditional councillor, Ewald Kozongominja, who is at the centre of the storm, lost 64 goats and the telephone line at his village was also destroyed. Kerina, a former Regional Councillor of Aminuis, stated that the hostile situation has become very conducive for livestock thieves. He said the tension and the clashes are not because of the traditional ceremony which was supposed to have taken place at the weekend, but are political. “It is clearly the NUDO versus the DTA, and people are just hiding behind the ceremony.” The former parliamentarian said it is unfortunate that the Ovaherero people have turned against each other at such a crucial time in history when the Ovaherero reparation case is gaining momentum. “The people simply do not understand what implications the fights have on the community.” Kerina, who is originally from Ovitoto, said some people in the area have threatened to burn down his house at the village, but he said he will not resettle in another village because of the threats. “These people making these threats have been sent by some people, and it is not their own conviction that they do not like me or Kazongominja.” He added that the situation also affects the relationship between the community of Aminuis and the Namibian Government. “They are destroying their own future and they portray a sense of being ungovernable, which is bad for the development of the region.” Kerina noted that he is optimistic the situation in Aminuis will improve towards the end of the week when the people come to their senses. The former MP also noted that the death of the young man in the clashes is an unfortunate event and it gives everybody an opportunity to look at him or herself. Meanwhile, no arrest has been made in connection with the murder on Friday and police investigations are still continuing. However, a young man was arrested yesterday in connection with the theft of goats belonging to Kazongominja and is expected to appear in the Gobabis Magistrate Court this morning.