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IATA collaborates with British Airways and Microsoft

IATA collaborates with British Airways and Microsoft

MIAMI – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced collaborations with British Airways and Microsoft to further enhance the accuracy of IATA CO2 Connect for Cargo in calculating carbon emissions.  The announcement was made at the IATA World Sustainability Symposium (WSS), currently taking place in Miami.  British Airways will be contributing flight-level fuel burn data...

Bank Windhoek Sustainability Bond completes N$407 million allocation

Bank Windhoek Sustainability Bond completes N$407 million allocation

Bank Windhoek’s chief treasurer Claire Hobbs last week announced the release of the bank’s third annual Sustainability Bond Impact Report, highlighting ongoing commitment to responsible business practices and environmental stewardship for the 2023-2024 financial year.  The Bank Windhoek Sustainability Bond was issued based on the sustainable bond framework.  The bond’s first tranche was issued in...

The importance of safeguarding your income

The importance of safeguarding your income

In an ever-changing world, the need to get your financial house in order can’t be overstated. Making sure your cash flow stays steady is more than just keeping what you’ve got safe; it’s about making sure you and your loved ones can stay on solid ground even with the mystery of tomorrow. In this method,...

Real estate agents lauded for critical economic role

Real estate agents lauded for critical economic role

Nedbank Namibia recently hosted its real estate awards, where agent Lourette Liebenberg walked away with the Nedbank Central Estate Agent of the Year award. Andreya Pereira was the runner-up, while Rightmove Properties scooped the Estate Agency of the Year.   The event was held to celebrate outstanding achievements and contributions made by players within the industry....

E-commerce demands solutions to harness technology

E-commerce demands solutions to harness technology

As industry embraces automation and digital tools, there is a responsibility to ensure the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in the evolving digital postal environment. This was part of the message during a public consultation hosted this week by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (Cran). Cran’s acting CEO Ronel le...

TransNamib’s annual maintenance estimated at N$120m… reliable rolling stock, safe network crucial for efficiency

TransNamib’s annual maintenance estimated at N$120m… reliable rolling stock, safe network crucial for efficiency

TransNamib CEO Desmond van Jaarsveld has highlighted critical challenges facing Namibia’s rail transport sector. He specifically pointed out inefficiencies that have forced fuel and mining operators to rely predominantly on road transport. In a recent presentation, he noted that rail accounts for only 12% of fuel transport in Namibia, a figure he deems “way too...

New Fenata chairpersoncalls for united voice

New Fenata chairpersoncalls for united voice

Newly elected chairman of the Federation of Namibian Tourism Associations (Fenata), Ally Karaerua, has emphasised that the organisation represents the diverse travel and tourism industry, as a voluntary entity for Namibian tourism associations. These associations, representing specialised fields, include travel agencies, car rentals, tour operations, emerging tourism, tour guides as well as hunting and accommodation. ...

Opinion – GIPF investments: Why we do what we do

Opinion – GIPF investments: Why we do what we do

As the single-biggest investor in Namibia’s economy across a multitude of sectors and the country’s 14 regions, the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) contributes significantly to socio-economic development through the injection of capital into an economy that has historically struggled to attract meaningful foreign direct investment outside of the mining sector.  At the heart of...

Momentum Metropolitan empowers African entrepreneurs

Momentum Metropolitan empowers African entrepreneurs

Momentum Metropolitan Foundation recently sponsored the African Union’s (AU) Chelete Cage pitch event in Windhoek as part of the AU Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) forum.  With a contribution of N$300000, the foundation supported the initiative to empower African entrepreneurs through financial and non-financial backing. The forum brought together over 200 entrepreneurs, investors and...

Urgent funding required to avert road deterioration

Urgent funding required to avert road deterioration

The domestic road sector continues to grapple with a significant funding crisis, which authorities have cautioned is insufficient to cover the costs of maintaining the nation’s road network.  The lack of capital has been highlighted by an average deficit of 25.7% in Road User Charges (RUC) revenue from 2016 to 2024.  Moreover, RUC projections indicate...