
Opinion – The power of the youth vote

Home Youth Corner Opinion – The power of the youth vote
Opinion –  The power of the youth vote

Serron Nghoshi

In the fast-paced world of 21st-century politics, where the dynamics of governance, society and technology are in constant flux, the role of the youth in shaping the future cannot be overstated.

As Namibia gears up for upcoming presidential elections, the spotlight turns to the younger generations, whose participation could decisively influence the direction of the country. This piece explores the vital importance of youth engagement in these elections, arguing that their involvement is not just beneficial, but essential for the health and progress of democracy.

Globally, the youth population is sizeable, with individuals under the age of 30 constituting a significant portion of the electorate in many countries. Despite their numbers and potential influence, young people’s voting rates often lag behind those of older demographics. Bridging this gap is crucial, as their active participation has the power to sway election outcomes and set policy priorities. Young voters are directly affected by a broad range of policy issues, from education, employment, healthcare and climate change.

Their engagement in presidential elections is a powerful tool to ensure that their perspectives and needs are represented in national agendas. Politicians are more likely to address the issues that matter to young voters if they know that this demographic is paying attention, and willing to hold them accountable at the ballot box.

When young people participate in elections, they do more than just vote. They are more likely to engage in discussions, volunteer for campaigns, and use social media to influence their peers, creating a ripple-effect that enhances the democratic process. This active participation fosters a more informed and engaged electorate, contributing to the vibrancy and resilience of democracy.

To harness the power of the youth vote, it is essential to address the barriers that hinder their participation. These can include a lack of trust in political institutions, feeling uninformed about the candidates or issues, and logistical challenges such as registration difficulties or access to polling places. Efforts to educate young people about the importance of their vote, simplify the voting process, and make politics more accessible and relevant can empower this demographic to play a more active role in their democracy. 

Educational institutions and civil society organisations play a critical role in fostering youth participation in elections. By providing civic education, facilitating discussions on current issues and offering platforms for youth to express their views, these entities can help young people understand the significance of their vote, and how they can effect change through the electoral process. The participation of young people in upcoming presidential elections is not just a right; it’s a responsibility. 

With the potential to significantly influence the direction of the country, the youth have the opportunity to champion change, and advocate for a future that aligns with their values and aspirations. As the nation prepares to head to the polls, the message to the younger generations is clear: Your vote is your voice. Use it to shape the world you want to live in.

* Serron Nghoshi is the coordinator of the Erongo Regional Youth Forum