Rundu Magistrate’s Court to get prefabricated facilities

Home Crime and Courts Rundu Magistrate’s Court to get prefabricated facilities

RUNDU – The Rundu Magistrate’s Court, which had resorted to using a garage as a courtroom due to lack of space, will be getting two new prefabricated structures, featuring six offices and ablution facilities for the public.

New Era in October last year reported about the shortage of courtrooms and other facilities and that the court has resorted to using a garage for court proceedings.

At the time, New Era spoke to the senior public relations officer at Ministry of Justice Simon Idipo, who said the ministry was busy with the program for the construction of prefabricated court rooms and offices at Grootfontein, Outjo, Ondangwa, Otjiwarongo and Windhoek Magistrate’s courts and should there still be some funds left, the Rundu Magistrate’s Court will still be attended to during this current financial year. The ministry is now keeping its promise.

“The ongoing construction work at Rundu Magistrate’s Court is expected to be completed in June later this year. Apart from that, there are currently no other developmental activities taking place in the two Kavango regions,” Idipo noted. Initially, the Magistrate’s Court at Rundu has three courtrooms but due to demand, they made the garage the 4th court room to cater to the increased number of cases per day.

Last year court officials who requested for anonymity as they are not allowed to speak to the media said that the set up is not safe at all, as the garage is too small, squeezed and closer to the road and concentration is interfered as cars are constantly driving by as well as members of the public.

Idipo informed New Era last year that a comprehensive upgrade was earmarked for Rundu Magistrate’s Court already in 2016 which was to cost the ministry about N$43 Million but that plan is on halt due to budget constraints.