
Industry Loop: Dummy guide to a media launch!

Home National Industry Loop: Dummy guide to a media launch!

Namibian entertainers are starting to consider public relations a serious exercise. As an industry insider, I can only be happy about the latest trend of media launches and listening parties. Though still not sure whether it is artists themselves who initiate this or their management teams. But regardless it’s great for the development of the industry. 

I have to give credit to P.R musos like Poiyah Media and Alvaro Media Group for leading the way and bringing about a new way of looking at entertainment as an industry. One of these new ways are media launches. But as the case with anything new, artists and their teams are bound to get it wrong. I have been at the receiving end of this, hence a dummy guide to a media launch. Dear artist and management team, when you host a media launch…you need to understand that your biggest asset on the day are the media. Not your fans, not your friends, gosh not even your ego! You calling it a media launch, so you need to focus your attention on what? The media, right? 

First things first, please understand that print and radio journalists are a busy bunch of people. We have deadlines. We have to meet our story quota. We have multiple events, functions and similar media launches that we need to get to. So, if a print and radio journalist RSVP’s to your media launch…know that, that journalist only have only on average about an hour tops for you. If you say 8pm, let it start at 8. Not 8.30, not even 8.10…definitely not 8.05. Journalists work insane working hours. Get your programme started and allow the media to put their best foot forward in covering your event. Time is gravely important, note that.

Secondly, journalists are not your fans. They are journalists. They are there to do a job. Seek content/stories for their listeners and readers. In practical sense, this simply means don’t make a journalist wait. Do not make a journalist beg for anything. Journalists are not to be used for your short cut marketing ploys. Journalists are professionals who deserve respect. Start the damn programme, serve the drinks and food you promised and let’s get it over and done with. Lastly, have a press pack ready. A press pack that will entail all necessary information such as who, when and how is a must.

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email naobebsekind@gmail.com
@naobebsekind (twitter)