Industry loop – May the real podcaster please stand up?

Industry loop – May the real podcaster please stand up?

Every Maria and Dantago has a podcast these days. It is ridiculous, but hey, in 2024, they will accuse me of ‘gatekeeping. 

Gatekeeping is such a terrible thing in an unregulated industry, where once again, every Magdalena and Tjivetje can just get up and be an artist. 

This includes the talentless ones, and those who do it for no other reason but clout.

Clout – aah, yes. Now there is a concept that everybody embraces. 

Welcome to 2024, where chasing clout seems to be normalized, but dare to gatekeep, you run the risk of being labelled a bully and a horrible narcissist. 

Comedy at its best!

Anyways, seeing that everybody has a podcast, and seeing that I am not allowed to gatekeep niks in 2024, allow me then at least to give a few tips on the art of podcasting. 

The podcast edition of this column, #IndustryLoop, drops its 21st episode today. 

With 21 episodes deep, I do not think taking some advice from me about the art of podcasting is such a scary idea. The reality is there are awful podcasts out there. 

Look, I am not talking about technicalities here.

I am simply talking about podcasting in its purest form. 

Technicalities are honestly whatever for me currently because no one has MacG type of money to have perfect sound, lighting and decor.

Now, one thing I have noticed about some podcasters is that they forget that podcasting is about the guest – and not you, the host.

The guest is who viewers want to hear from. The host should essentially unearth a side that viewers do not see every day. 

However, as mentioned earlier, some podcasters are out here for the clout, and not necessarily for the art thereof. 

So, commonly what you would see is the host making it about them, and not the guest. 

It is annoying. Get it right.

Another thing that irks me about some of these podcasters is the interrupting syndrome – the burning desire to also share your point of view. Viewers do not give a rats a** about your opinion. We want to hear what the guest’s opinions are. 

It is annoying – get it right.

You know what I hate? Podcasters who finish their guest’s sentences or train of thought – dude. 

Why are you speaking on behalf of your guest? They are there for a reason. 

Let them finish their thoughts and sentences. It is annoying – get it right.

I have also observed that some podcasters do not have the experience or media training to be able to separate friendship from the job at hand. 

There is a reason why podcasts do not work on radio because radio is regulated. 

Podcasts are not. 

Radio has time limits, and podcasts do not. 

So, when you have an opportune guest in front of you, a guest everyone is talking about, and you do not ask the questions that everyone is itching to know about, you essentially look dom.

One last thing, please learn to ask follow-up questions. 

The art of asking a follow-up question stems from listening. 

You will only have a follow-up question if you listen to what your guest is saying. 

It is when you listen that your brain will realise that something needs clarity. 

I am not sure whether it is a skill that can be learned but give it a shot.

But hey, what do I know right? I am just the chap who has a podcast partnership with the biggest newspaper brand in Namibia with 21 episodes deep. Speaking of which, this week’s guest on Industry Loop the Podcast is someone who is burning to make you understand that she has always been her person. 

Who she slept with does not define her. 

Make sure you catch the episode with Ann Singer on New Era Live on YouTube.

Do not forget to leave a comment or share your thoughts on socials, using the hashtag #IndustryLoop.

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

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