
Industry Loop: My  predictions:  SYM Lifestyle & Fashion Awards 2019

Home National Industry Loop: My  predictions:  SYM Lifestyle & Fashion Awards 2019

If I happen to get any of my predictions wrong, as the case with all my previously publicised predictions, kindly address me via mail at iwillnotreplybecausethisemaildoesnotexist@yahoo.com and I will send you 2 pin (TN Mobile only)…LOL!

Favourite Accessories Designer: House of Nalo. No doubt!  
Favourite Fitness Personality: Lee-Andro fam. I mean the homie is certified mos?  
Favourite Fashion Designer: SynEDGY is kinda dope mense. I’d rock it any day! Monday to Sunday. SynEDGY every day! 

Favourite Emerging Designer: I’d be very upset if Gweri or //Concept does not bag this one, hey. Like, cancel the whole thing. We don’t want it anymore. Gweri or //Concept! Otherwise, SYM will have a riot on their hands. 

Favourite TV Personality: PDP or Trina! Someone will have to clarify what the other two nominees are doing in this category, sowaar.  

Favourite Blogger: Pangaman, Pangaman, Pangaman *singing*. Sorry, I got a little carried away. Yeah Mavis Braga, your efforts will be rewarded.  
Favourite Make-Up Artist: NBC will be well represented on that stage. Ousi Hannah…have your speech ready my dzia. 

Favourite Photographer: Ya’ll know Photobooth been the illest with the lens in the last 12 months. 
Favourite Sports Personality: Sorry Deon Hotto, but you missed a number of chances to score or assist at AFCON. I think you contributed to my stress levels. Some people broke their TV’s because of you. I’m going to vouch for superwoman, Helalia Johannes. 
Favourite Comedian: The 8’clock nuus amae. 

Favourite Stylist: Dear //Kharas region, be ready to welcome your son of the soil Reinhard Mahalie with that award!
Favourite Male Actor: This is a tough one. Xuro had a good year. Rodelio had a good year. Adriano was consistent. KK found a side chick. Tah. 
Favourite DJ: Another tough category. Alba had a good year. Desert Storm had a good year. Sam-E Lee Jones did the things man. Castro been fire! Tah. 

Favourite Female Radio Personality: What kind with these tough categories? Seeing that these awards are all about votes…Chazz might have a slight edge. Favourite Male Radio Personality: It will all come down to votes and Nashawn might have the edge.  

Favourite Female Actor: Anyone who saw Fences…would vote for Hazel! 
Favourite Female Model: Varaa Hambira…I stan! 
Favourite Male Model: The homie Mukendu Ndjavera
Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
Book NSK today to MC your event: naobebsekind@gmail.com 
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