
Japanese explore investment opportunities

Home Archived Japanese explore investment opportunities

Eveline de Klerk

Walvis Bay-A Japanese delegation consisting of representatives of eight major businesses in Japan are currently at the coast exploring possible business and investment opportunities with local businesses.

The delegation, led by Takashi Yao, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industries chairman in South Africa and the regional COO for Africa of Marubeni Corporation, met with the Walvis Bay business fraternity on Tuesday. Discussions for possible investments in various areas took place.

The delegation also visited Namport to see the benefits the port facility has to offer with regard to business opportunities and how trade opportunities could be enhanced with regard to the port expansion as well as the logistics hub master plan.

Yao said the delegation is keen to explore business opportunities in Namibia due to the politically and economically stable environment the country offers to potential investors.

“With its abundance of natural resources Namibia is right in the process of becoming an international logistics and trade centre, and a gateway to the large market of the Southern African Development Community in line with its international logistics hub master plan adopted in 2015,” he said.

He also explained that during the Tokyo International Conference on African Development held last year in Nairobi, Kenya, attended by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, Japan reaffirmed the importance of strengthening business relations in terms of investment and trade for the advancement of Africa.

“The government of Namibia last year during the investors’ conference appealed to international investors to explore business opportunities in Namibia and that is why we are here to find new opportunities as well as to look at how we can expand our business to Namibia,” he said.

The trade mission is expected to  meet with Obeth Kandjoze the Minister of Mines and Energy, Immanuel Ngatjizeko the Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development as well as the Minister of Works and Transport, Alpheus !Naruseb.