
Johanna Benson urges disabled people to rise and shine

Home Sports Johanna Benson urges disabled people to rise and shine


Namibia’s only Paralympics gold and silver medallist Johanna Benson has called on disabled people to rise and shine, urging them to grab life’s opportunities just like other fellow Namibians.

Appearing as a guest speaker during the commemoration of the National Disability Day in Lüderitz recently, Benson delivered an emotional speech in which she urged Namibians with disabilities to stop shying away from the realities of life and become productive citizens.

“There is no reason why we should be seen as lesser people in society and looked down upon. We can hold our own in workplaces, so the private sector as well as the government sector should double their efforts in making employment available to us.

We are willing to work, just give us a chance and you will see what we can do,” she said.

She also touched on the issue of education and the importance of improving their general knowledge and skills, which she said would make life much easier for all disabled persons.