
Joseph’s Story this Weekend on Stage at Warehouse

Home Archived Joseph’s Story this Weekend on Stage at Warehouse

By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK It is history’s worst case of betrayal and infidelity, yet for centuries it was overlooked, disregarded and ignored, states a press release from Homebrewed Productions. The company will be staging its knockout play, 09 BC; Joseph’s Dilemma, tonight and tomorrow night at the Warehouse Theatre. “Everybody knows how it happened – a young carpenter was happily engaged to marry his beautiful young fiancÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚©e, until someone more powerful than him chose that fiancÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚©e to carry his soon-to-be-famous Son. This is of course the story of how Joseph’s fiancÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚©e, Mary, had Angel Gabriel appears to her to give her the news that she was going to be mother of the promised Messiah. But how did Joseph really take that news and the fact that he would play stepfather to a famous stepson? What about the plans he had of marrying his fiancÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚©e, make and raise his own babies, etc? For a man to be betrayed this way, one surely has a lot of questions that you would want answered?” the release asks. In 09 BC; Joseph’s Dilemma, Namibia’s theatre and film award-winner Vickson Hangula preaches the gospel according to Joseph, carpenter stepfather of the famous Jesus. “For the first time ever, history’s famous case of betrayal and dispossession takes centre stage. The script uses modern parallels such as official corruption, all injustices and abuse of power that we as Africans know all too well,” Hangula said. As Joseph points out: “What justice is there when big powerful guys take from little powerless ordinary people? What justice is there when those with the means to make happen, take away from those unable to do so?” 09 BC: Joseph’s Dilemma, 1st prize winner of this year’s annual Youth Theatre Festival last month, returns to Namibia, fresh from a week’s run at the annual Grahamstown Arts Festival in South Africa, where it was performed to appreciative audiences for its imaginative concept. A local festival newspaper reviews 09 BC: Joseph’s Dilemma as “an interesting account of the thoughts of Joseph during Mary’s pregnancy. A promising piece…” The playwright, Vickson Hangula, also plays the lead role of the embittered Joseph. The other two roles are that of the sympathetic Barman that Joseph confides in, played by actor Norman Job, and that of Mary, mother of Jesus, played by an equally talented Senga Brockerhoff. Professor Aldo Behrens, himself a veteran actor and director, and who for years has taught drama at the University of Namibia, directs.