
Köes residents bay for CEO’s head

Home National Köes residents bay for CEO’s head

Steven Klukowski

KES – Concerned over what they claim is rampant embezzlement of the coffers of their village on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, residents of Köes early this week staged a peaceful demonstration demanding the immediate suspension of their CEO, Willy Humphries, for alleged complicity in fraud.

The group accuses the CEO of complicity after one employee allegedly embezzled village council funds and misused municipal property at the village council’s office. Reading out the speech on behalf of the Köes concerned group, their spokesperson Ferdinand Swartbooi said that first of all they wanted to know why it took so long for the village council to open a criminal case against the implicated employee (name known to New Era) who allegedly withdrew large amounts of money over a one-year period from the council’s bank account by means of forging signatures.

They furthermore need clarity on whether there was “any bank reconciliation evidence to the village council that verify the said embezzlement of public funds”.

Another concern raised was the whereabouts of the chief executive officer as accounting officer of Köes Village Council when all these irregularities took place.

Swartbooi said: “The community wants an immediate internal ministry investigation to confirm whether these allegations are true without any interference from the chairman Johannes Cupido and CEO Willy Humphries,” – hence their demand for the suspension of the latter.   

The spokesperson furthermore stressed that the village council should respond within 48 hours to their grievances or face some serious consequences. He elaborated that they will “stay away from polling stations and not vote in the upcoming elections”, should no response be received within the given period.

 Swartbooi furthermore informed the village council that the group will in addition not pay their water accounts and further prevent their water from being disconnected as another means of demonstrating their right to a timeous response. 

Receiving the petition on behalf of the village council, Johannes Cupido, chairperson of the management committee asked for a period of seven days to respond in order to consult with the respective authorities. This was however rejected by the residents who threatened to close the council’s offices should their timeframe of two days not be adhered to.

When interviewed afterwards Cupido informed New Era that the alleged embezzlement was discovered after the staff member, who was also the acting accountant, allegedly on February 4 2019 unlawfully removed N$10 000 from monies meant to be deposited in the council’s account and in addition unlawfully took the council’s car. 

“We (council) have opened a case of theft of public funds and misuse of state property against the implicated employee, but police investigations are however still continuing,” said the chairperson. He furthermore emphasised that the council has been “advised against suspending the CEO without any evidence substantiating allegations made against him,” after consulting Urban and Rural Development minister, Peya Mushelenga. 

He added that the said the ministry will now also send a team to Köes to conduct internal investigations into the embezzlement of the council’s funds. 

Cupido concluded by informing New Era that  the staff member resigned from office on February 6 via an email to that effect.

When contacted for comment it was learned that the chief executive officer was engaged in meetings with the regional political leadership.