Land servicing on track in Omuthiya

Home International Land servicing on track in Omuthiya


The Omuthiya Town Council is working round the clock to ensure that the cumbersome delivery of land, which has stirred emotions around the country in recent years, does not occur in the town as it readies itself to provide over 1 000 residential and business plots.
Currently the Omuthiya council has already fully serviced a part of Extension 5 with at least 220 plots, which have been reserved for mass housing, while a part of Extension 6 measuring about 440 hectares is also being serviced and is expected to be completed by next year.
In addition, Extension 8 is 80 percent serviced with sewerage and water systems fully installed, while roads are being constructed, a phase that is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
The whole process is expected to cost council N$17 million, although servicing of Extension 6 is being done under a public private partnership (PPP) with Preferred Management Systems.
“We are determined to grow the town and provide land to the people. Once servicing of Extension 6 is complete we will migrate the town centre. The area is already pre-designed for business units and upmarket residential houses. So all those that will occupy this area, either for business or residential purposes, will have to construct their properties based on the pre-design,” said David Israel, the Omuthiya Town Council’s economic and development planner.
Israel added that once all these developments are complete, the face of the town will be enhanced as they are also in the process of relocating the open market that is situated next to the Oshivelo-Ondangwa highway which is often congested.
“The new open market to be constructed at Extension 6 will include a bus and taxi terminal, since taxis are always congested at the open market. Land will be available – investors are thus urged to establish business entities,” stressed Israel.