
Language teaching leads to recognition for Alexander Kambinda

Home Youth Corner Language teaching leads to recognition for Alexander Kambinda
Language teaching leads to recognition for  Alexander Kambinda

ALEXANDER Kambinda, a dedicated educator at Rev. Juuso Shikongo Secondary School, was recently honoured with the title of the best second language English teacher in the Oshikoto region. 

With a distinguished academic background in languages from the University of Namibia, Kambinda’s passion for teaching and linguistic proficiency have earned him the well-deserved recognition.

“My passion for languages and education has been the driving force behind my career, allowing me to make a profound impact on the lives of my pupils. With an honours degree in languages, I bring a wealth of knowledge and dedication to fostering linguistic proficiency and celebrating the rich tapestry of languages,” he told the Youth Corner.

Kambinda stressed that the spark that ignited his journey as a teacher was fuelled by a profound desire to empower and uplift the next generation and added that education is the cornerstone of societal progress, and he felt a calling to contribute to this noble cause by guiding pupils on their academic and personal growth. 

 “Hailing from the serene town of Okashana in Oshakati, my upbringing in a community rooted in faith has instilled in me a deep connection to my cultural heritage, which I weave into my teaching ethos,” he added.

For Kambinda, teaching languages was a natural career choice. Beyond imparting linguistic skills, he sees language education as a gateway to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse cultures and effective communication. As a younger teacher, Kambinda’s enthusiasm and dedication to his career have undoubtedly contributed to his success in the field.

 “Embarking on my teaching career presented challenges that tested my resolve and adaptability. From mastering classroom management to crafting engaging lesson plans, each hurdle was an opportunity for growth. Through continuous professional development, seeking mentorship, and prioritizing self-care, I overcame these initial obstacles and emerged stronger and more resilient in my role as an educator.”

 Asked how he feels as the best second language English teacher, he stressed that the moment of being recognized was a mixture of surprise, joy, and humility. 

“This accolade not only validated my dedication to teaching but also served as a testament to the hard work of my students, colleagues, and supportive family members. Gratitude filled my heart as I reflected on the collaborative effort that led to this achievement, inspiring me to continue striving for excellence in education,” he expressed.  Furthermore, he mentioned that he is looking ahead and his future plans in the teaching profession revolve around embracing technology, fostering critical thinking skills, and staying abreast of educational trends.

He added that by incorporating innovative teaching methods and nurturing a dynamic learning environment, he aims to equip pupils with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

 “A key ingredient in my successful teaching career has been a commitment to continuous professional development. By engaging in ongoing learning opportunities, building strong relationships with learners and colleagues, and prioritizing self-care, I have cultivated a fulfilling and impactful journey in education. These special remedies have not only enhanced my teaching effectiveness but also contributed to a positive and supportive learning environment,” Kambinda explained.

 Kambinda says he will remain committed to ensuring excellence in student performance.

 “I employ a range of teaching methods tailored to meet the diverse needs of pupils. From differentiated instruction and active learning to formative assessment and personalized learning, each strategy is designed to engage students, foster critical thinking, and create a positive learning environment. By integrating technology and cultivating strong relationships, I strive to empower students to excel academically and personally,” he indicated.

 He urged fellow teachers to always cultivate a passion for teaching, prioritize continuous learning, build meaningful relationships, embrace resilience and adaptability, celebrate successes, practice self-care, seek support, and innovate their teaching practices. “Above all, remember the profound impact you can have on shaping future generations. Teaching is not just a profession but a calling to make a lasting difference in the lives of students and society at large,” he urged.
