
Leadership guru inspires NEPC staff

Home National Leadership guru inspires NEPC staff

Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – Well-known leadership guru and author Sacky Nikodemus has encouraged staff at New Era that work should not be a burden but a place where people deploy skills, qualifications, experiences and strive to make change.
The objective of the motivational session at NEPC (New Era Publication Corporation) was to uplift and inspire the staff to understand and appreciate their individual and corporate roles and responsibilities towards the success of the organisation. 
Nikodemus said that most workers take work as only a source of income and some see it as a place to just get by as an extra pleasure or just something they are doing for the sake of being present.

“If you take work as a burden, I can guarantee you that you are really going to have an uncomfortable, unbearable bad experience at the workplace,” he said.
He further urged NEPC staff to be comfortable with their jobs as it reduces the level of stress, tension and the imbalance between work and home.

“A study that was done before in the States  has found that people that will die of cardio vascular complications will generally die on Monday mornings, between 06h00 and 09h00 and they concluded that 70 percent – 80 percent is of employees at working environments that they are not happy with,” he noted.

“I came to the conclusion with my work that I have been doing that work, or the jobs that we have, constitutes so much in our lives, therefore work environment has to be of a nature that is conducive for our health,” he said. 
“Your health is your greatest wealth,” he implored NEPC staff. 

“If you work at a place and the relationship is of such a nature that it does not really promote your health, I can guarantee you, it’s going to affect your life span, happiness and you take this back home and you come back with it again and you might just be a candidate of those that succumbed to the statistics,” he said.
He further said that people can only have an impact on the society if they work together pursuing a common goal, drive and purpose. 

He urged staff members to take time and seriously reflect on their personal attitude, and if need be to change in order to create an environment that will place the institution on the trajectory of sustained performance and growth.
 “It is very important for people to see themselves and have a healthy self-concept and understanding that they are important to their organisation,” he said.

In conclusion he urged staff to find new ways of doing business in order to effectively respond to contemporary challenges. He challenged them to adopt an inspiring work ethic and positive attitude that will significantly contribute towards the strategic intent of New Era.