Learners clearer about careers after career fair

Home Youth Corner Learners clearer about careers after career fair

By John Travolter Matali

– The majority of learners who attended a career fair here recently have described it as monumental with a general feel of gratitude for the Minister of Education who had taken time out of his busy schedule to come and address learners on matters pertaining to education, and indeed their future.

Virore Uutona from Fredrick Awaseb Secondary urged the ministry of education to consider bringing more career fairs to the remote regions of the country because they are highly beneficial to learners. “Even if you are in Grade 8 being exposed to career possibilities will have an ultimate role in the subject choices you take and how hard a learner will try to score in their subjects. Mainly because the career fair gives learners a goal to strive for” she says.

All the learners were pleased to have had the chance to lay eyes on the Minister of Education David Namwandi  describing his presence as very an inspiring. “I especially enjoyed Dr. Namwandi’s comments on education, especially when he said and I quote: ‘What is learned remains, everything else is forgotten’ says an overjoyed Mutjavkuei Mushavia, a  Grade 10 learner from the Okakarara Secondary School. “Many business opportunities were opened to us today, when I woke up this morning I was thinking of studying accounting but now I want science, because it has been brought to my attention that the field of science is very favourable in Namibia at present” says Erickson Mealyako from the Grootfontein Secondary School. Kaura Mojao, also from the Okakarara Secondary describes the career fair as pleasant and very informative because many learners like herself, had little or no clue as to what education  possibilities await them after secondary school. “I truly hope organisers keep this up, what they are doing for learners might seem small but it is very helpful” says Mojao with conviction. “I had personally put science down as my choice after secondary school, I now know exactly which area in the field of science to go for after school. This has been very helpful service, organisers should seriously look into visiting more village schools that do not have means to come to towns,” says Sharon Mbaho of Okakarara Secondary.

The learners stated that the fair has helped them to plan their future and after attending, enquiring and observing many now have a clearer sense of direction. This was the first time this career fair by Veripamue Investments cc is held outside the capital, and  the learners’  turnout was significantly high although not many parents turned up at the event.