
Limbo resigns as Bukalo Village CEO

Home National Limbo resigns as Bukalo Village CEO

Aron Mushaukwa

Katima Mulilo-Suspended Bukalo Village Council chief executive officer Martin Limbo has resigned from his position as the village council’s CEO. Limbo had been on suspension with full benefits since October last year, after council accused him of misconduct.

In his resignation letter, dated June 1, addressed to Minister of Urban and Rural Development Sophia Shaningwa, Limbo stated that he had “been offered a much greater opportunity” and would be pursuing a new career with another organisation, as soon as possible.

Limbo stated in his letter that the fact that he remains on suspension “would not require me to put [in] a 30-day notice, as such this notice is with immediate effect, or effective as 1 June 2017”.

He also highlighted the deterioration of his professional relationship with Bukalo Village Council chairperson Charles Siyauya, which he said was beyond repair.

“I do not wish to work with the chairperson, who is currently facing Anti-Corruption [Commission] investigations on numerous maladministrative land deals he had engineered, which benefited his fiancé, while the majority of Bukalo residents who to date still remain landless and are even not compensated continue to be ignored in terms of land delivery,” he argued.

Limbo also demanded that council pay him our for the remainder of his three-year contract, as well as his pension and related benefits as soon as possible.

Limbo’s resignation came hours after he was arraigned by the Anti-Corruption Commission and made a brief appearance in the Special Court at the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court, where he faced charges of theft and fraud – allegedly committed during his time as the CEO of the National Disability Council.

Limbo was released on N$5,000 bail as investigations continue. He claims his arrest was part of a plot against him by those who do not want him to pursue his new career. “Where was ACC all along if what they are alleging happened in 2011? I am not shaken. I am a man in full gear and things like these just make me strong,” he retorted when approached for comment.

Minister Shaningwa said she was not aware of Limbo’s resignation. Siyauya declined to comment on the matter.