
Lingua embraces opportunities in higher education

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Lingua embraces opportunities in higher education

Julina Kaakunga


Former International Training College Lingua student Adriano Visagie on Monday advised new students to identify who they are and focus on their goals.

Addressing hundreds of new and old students at the official opening of the institution’s 2024 academic year, he said: “Focus on the goal, the struggle we tend to have in modern-day society is to identify who we are. Knowing who we are also starts with what type of friends we have. When a person knows who they are, it becomes easier to find their purpose as I believe that there is a long journey into finding out purpose in life”.

Visagie, who is now a multi-award-winning actor, master of ceremonies, activist and media personality, also gave credit to the lecturers who taught him. 

In his keynote address, Dr Munyaradzi Maravanyika, Head of Department in the Department of Informatics at the Namibia University of Science and Technology, addressed challenges and opportunities facing higher education.

On technology, he delved into how digital revolution has transformed traditional teaching methods, opening doors to online courses, virtual classrooms, and interactive platforms. 

“Institutions that embrace and adapt to these technological shifts maintain relevance and extend educational access to a global audience. For instance, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have democratised education, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations to access high quality learning resources,” Maravanyika said.

Another significant challenge highlighted is the demographic shift reshaping student bodies. Maravanyika said the increasing diversity in backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives enrich the academic environment but require a more inclusive approach to education. 

“Institutions fostering inclusivity and diverse curricula prepare students for success in a globalised world,” he remarked. 

According to him, interdisciplinary programmes and cultural exchange initiatives play a vital role in providing comprehensive education.

“Economic transformations underscore the need for agility in higher education. With an evolving job market emphasising skills aligned with emerging industries like artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and sustainability, universities must collaborate with industry partners, offer relevant internships, and integrate practical experiences into curricula to equip students for success in a rapidly changing landscape,” he noted.

Maravanyika said institutions can leverage innovation in teaching methodologies and technology to meet academic and workforce needs.

He emphasised the importance of shared responsibility and core values, encouraging students to pursue excellence, resilience, innovation, and compassion. 

Maravanyika then called for students to approach studies with curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration, and provided actionable steps for students.

“Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and strive for wisdom in shaping a brighter future,” he urged.

– julinak990@gmail.com