Love, alive and well but not for all

Home Lifestyle Love, alive and well but not for all

Jeremiah Ndjoze

With Valentines Day, February 14 looming thick and fast next Wednesday, one or two people do not seem excited about the day while some are looking forward to celebrating it with great passion and enthusiasm.
Self-styled Ovaherero traditionalist, Rirua Komeheke will be less bothered about gifts and outfits as Valentine’s Day holds no significance to him.

“I’m a Rasta, my friend, we don’t do Valentines days. Besides, days like those are mere commercial setups created by the capitalists in order for them to cash-in on the gullible masses,” Komeheke says.
Namibian Broadcasting Corporation’s news anchor, Leonard Witbeen says the importance of Valentines Day in his life cannot be overemphasised. “As we get older, we tend to take certain things for granted and love is unfortunately one of those things. So for us to be reminded about why certain people matter to us, it is good to celebrate Valentines Day once a year,” Witbeen says.

Queried as to what sort of gifts he would spoil his significant other with, Witbeen goes philosophical. “They say only the thought counts but it is important that we give to people gifts that will add a certain value to their lives. Roses are cool but they die after two weeks,” Witbeen says adding that he will certainly give his lover “something tangible and valuable”.

Award winning sports journalist, Otniel Hembapu is determined that no weapon formed against his Valentine’s Day merriments this year, shall prosper. Hembapu is a steady advocate of Valentine’s Day and the fringe benefits that comes with it. He maintains that in a world in which true lovers are a dying breed, mostly at the hands of so-called passion killers, a day set aside to mainstream the importance of love, comes as a treasured drop of sanity into an ocean filled with social ills. “I think the day still holds a lot of significance. If we are to label Valentine’s Day as a corporate gimmick we might as well cancel Christmas day,” says Hembapu;

That said, it is safe to assume there will be romance at the Hembapus comes the day. Kwaito musician Strauss Lunyangwe, better known as Mr. Makoya will be dishing out some love, albeit in a different way. The Lunyangwe household was recently blessed with a new addition to the family and the new comer is hell bent on monopolising the love. “I don’t think we’ll do much this Valentines Day. Our baby will be three months old by the time we hit Valentine’s Day so we are going to be pouring all the love we have in him for now,” Lunyangwe says.

Meanwhile love, music and romance awaits Valentines at a red carpet event at the Warehouse on Valentines Day. Four of Namibia’s award winning Artist’s and one breathtaking poet will be gracing the stage. Vocalists Ann Singer, Monique English, Micheal Pulse and Jaleel, will be joined by poet Espereranca, sharing her beautiful poetry from her latest album. Jaleel will use this evening to launch his new album entitled “Moments” as well. Advance tickets (N$80) are available on Airtime City Kiosks, online at