
Meatco, Brukkaros to share Norwegian quota

Home Front Page News Meatco, Brukkaros to share Norwegian quota

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) and Brukkaros Meat Processor are again set to share the 1,600-tonne Norwegian beef export quota, said the Minister of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development, Immanuel Ngatjizeko.

Ngatjizeko said that Meatco was allocated 1,300 tonnes while Brukkaros was allocated 300 tonnes for 2018.
The quota allocations for 2018 became effective on January 1 and must be exhausted fully in the given year.

“The quota remains valid for as long as the abattoirs … obtain export certification as an approved supplier of beef to Norway,” Ngatjizeko said in a letter to Meat Board general manager Paul Strydon last month.

He said the trade ministry would continue reviewing the quota allocations in the future to ensure equitable and proportional allocations, according to the capacities at the various export abattoirs.
“As a condition of the export permit each quota allocation permit holder must, by the last day of June 2018, report to the Meat Board of Namibia on the total export achieved,” he emphasized.

He said if an export quota holder has not fulfilled its export commitments by June 30, 2018, its allocation may be revoked and be re-allocated to other certified exporters.

“The quota allocated to the given abattoirs is not transferrable to any third party,” he added.
Last year Meatco was allocated 1,400 tonnes, while 200 tonnes went to Brukkaros.