
Mentorship programme reached 26 000 learners

Home National Mentorship programme reached 26 000 learners

WINDHOEK – Panduleni Nghipandulwa, a former learner at Delta Secondary School, has reached out to inspire and motivate 26 000 learners across the country, through the youth development and mentorship programme he started earlier this year. 

“The youth mentorship programme was an initiative I started to provide learners with a supportive environment that will motivate and assist them in reaching their maximum personal and academic potential,” says Nghipandulwa, adding that the overall objective of the initiative is to equip the youth with the necessary skills, knowledge and tools needed to succeed in life.  He adds that the programme, which will continue next year, is a tool for personal empowerment, and in future, he envisions creating hardworking, dedicated and inspiring young leaders. “There are many young people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, exposed to crime, drugs and poverty. 

These individuals in particular are in urgent need of guidance, mentoring and the general public’s support,” explains Nghipandulwa, adding that the youth accounts for majority of Namibia’s population and it is up to the public to support the government’s efforts in creating an environment in which the younger generation can prosper. 

“The programme has been in full swing ever since its [beginning]. We have certainly ended this year well, after having reached out to more than 26 000 learners around the country,” he says. Some of the schools he visited includes St. 

Josephs Secondary School; Aranos Primary and Secondary schools; Rocky Crest High School; Ella Du Plessis Secondary School; Eldorado Secondary School; Delta Primary and Secondary schools Windhoek; Deutsche Höhere Privatchule; Windhoek High School; Jan Möhr Secondary School and Amazing Kids Private School. The programme was received well by both teachers and learners.